Saturday 24 January 2015

1. Fight Club

1.Fight Club
This is the is it. The end of my list of my favorite movies. It's time to reveal to gold medalist of the best movie ever created in my opinion. I have chosen the 1999 film fight club for top spot. You may not agree with me but I believe this movie is so incredible and amazing that it would be a crime to put it anywhere except at number one.  This movie is a thriller and a complete mind juggler. It is very complex and crazy which is why it is so fantastic. Voted the most controversial and talked about film in 1999 and for good reason. The heads of this movie really took on some sensitive subjugate which I thinks added so much more to film. To my surprise it did not make that much money at the box offices but really came to success in DVD sales and with release over the internet. Cults were created because of this movie which is just crazy!

Edward Norton stars as an unnamed insomniac who is not at all satisfied with his life. He starts to find pleasure in his life when he creates a fight club with soap maker Tyler Durden. The fight club beings to grow at a great pace. Everyday people are coming down to fight then go home and back to their job the next day. The golden rule that was put in place is you can't talk about fight club. We slowly get to journey into the minds of the unnamed narrator and discover what fight club really means. So much more is at stake in this film, it's not about what fight club is, it is about what it represents. That is where I will leave my summary. You really need to go see it yourself to expereince the magic. I would also like to thank evreyone for reading my blogs and keeping up with this list. Thank you all!

2. The Shawshank Redemption

2. The Shawshank Redemption

The runner up on my list is the insanely good emotional roller coaster the Shawshank redemption. Every single act in this film is perfect and should always be near the number one spot on a top movie list. Shawshank Redemption is one of those movies that if you see it on TV, your instinct will be to watch all of it. It is one of the only movies which can make you smile, laugh and cry all at once. It is incredible and timeless and is not overrated in any sense. Tom Hanks and Morgan Freeman head this classic. The friendship that forms between these two is incredible fun to watch as it develops. It is a longer movie but once you see the ending and how complex and amazing the plot is, you will see how beautiful of a movie this is. This film is also a good look into what goes on behind prison walls. In this movie, many of the prisoners are good people caught at the wrong place and the wrong time. I do not think I have ever felt for so many characters in one film before.

This movie is set in the 50s and 60s and it stars Tom Hanks, a bank broker who has been wrongfully accused of the murder of his wife. He is thrown into Shawshank prison where he meets the other prisoners. He begins a friendship with Morgan Freeman's character as the two bond over prison life and whats happening around them. Throughout the film, you have no idea what is going to happen. You are unsure if they find escape, they die or they let them out of jail. The twists and turns in this film turn into cinematic gold. I would recommend this movie to anyone who is a fan of film.

3. Gladiator

3. Gladiator

My bronze medal spot goes to the historical drama released in 2000. A true epic is what this film is. This a film about revenge and is often credited with some of the best fight scenes in cinematic history. Russel Crowe is the star of this movie and he really is a star. His performance was incredible and my favorite performance by an actor in a movie. This was the New Zealand star's breakout movie. It was an extremely good start for it nabbed him many awards including an Oscar for best actor. Ridley Scott who is famous for directing the alien series made this movie's environment really feel like Rome. The excellent acting and this wonderful world has made this movie a classic and in my opinion the best historical film out there.

Again like I said, this is a revenge movie about Rome in 180ad. Maximus (Russel Crowe) is loyal and powerful general in the roman army. He is betrayed and his family is slaughtered by the former emperor's son Commodus. He kills his father to gain the throne and throws Maximus into slavery. He is thrown into gladiator fights for the entertainment of the population. Due to his military experience and indifference to death he rises through the ranks of gladiators on his path to avenge his family by killing Commodus. A warning to younger viewers, this film is extremely graphic and deserves its r rating fully. The audience of this film should not be under 16. It is a very stressful film and a insane emotional journey. You really begin to feel for the man who has lost everything but is still trying to do the right thing and bring justice to the world. This film deserves the number three spot on my list, I have no doubt this is one of the best movies.

4. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King

4. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King

My forth spot on my list is the legendary portrayal of the third addition of the J R R Tolkien classic book series directed by Peter Jackson, a living legend as far as directors go. The idea of this film series being created has been the dream of every nerd of the 20th century. Expectations were set incredibly high for this trilogy because of how good the books are. Many were worried this cinematic adaptation would be to hard to pull off and that it would all be over hyped. All non believers were quickly turned after they saw the gorgeous ending the heads of the movies had in store. The fans were not the only ones to notice how much work went into making this fantastic movie, the academy gave this movie several awards including Best Original Score,Best Visual Effects,Best Director,Best Picture,etc...  Since the film's release in 2003, it has been very clear this is one of the greatest movies ever created.

The events of this motion picture are set directly after the incidents of the second film, The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers. We are following several story-lines in this movie but do not worry about being overwhelmed, thieving in this film flows together extremely well. The cast brought the same emotional intense performance from the first two movies. My personal favorites in this film are the four hobbits: Elijah Wood,Sean Astin, Dominic Monaghan, Billy Boyd. The world is so large and dangerous but these four hobbits are the heart of the movie and at several parts in the movie, largely the ending, their performances bring you to tears. My favorite part in this film is the battle of Pelannor Fields. It was so visually pleasing to watch and it really kept you on the edge of your seat because it looked like for a long time the bad guys were going to win

5. Bill and Ted's most excellent adventure

5. Bill and Ted's most excellent adventure

In the 90s this was the best comedy out there according to many. Filled with a great revolutionary plot line and is quite possibly one of the best comedies of all time. Great for all ages and still holds up. All the acts are equally  interesting, this movie hooks you in with great story lines and excellent comedic elements. This movie is lead by a fantastic cast including Keannu Reeves, Alex Winter and George Carlin. I know what you are thinking, Keannu Reeves in a comedy, it must be terrible. Contrary to popular belief, the actor who is famous for portraying Neo in the Matrix but he nails it in this flick with great timing and chemistry with the rest of the cast. Time travel is a very popular theme in the cinema of today and this film uses this fictional technology extremely well. The plot of this film involves two wannabe musicians who dream of making it big one day. There is just a slight problem with this plan, these two teens suck tremendously at being rock stars.

Released in 1989, this movies whackenyss is timeless.  A lot of credit has to be given to the stars of the film for portraying their characters so well that the audience were backing them the entire way. Bill's and Ted's most excellent adventure has extremely wide and loyal fan base. These supporters are the reasons for the sequel and quite possibly a third film might be in the works. The second movie is named Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey. It is just as loved by fans but critics did not feel the same. I  believe that both movies are most excellent. The two greatest bits in this movie is when the heroes use the power of time travel to the greatest effect when they are at the police station and the music montage at the mall. In the police station they think of the most ridiculous plan to hide keys and messages in the future to find them in the present. This scene was extremely fun to watch. My second favorite part was quite possibly the best music montage in history. Bill and Ted have other things to do so they are forced to leave several historical figures alone in a modern mall. Everything about this part will make you love this movie.

Wednesday 5 November 2014

6. Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back

6. Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back

No matter the context of a top 10, something related to Star Wars always seems to slide in. The 5th movie in chronological order, 2nd released is by far the best movie in this saga created by George Lucas. This movie had the most shock value of  any movie I have ever seen. It continues the story of Luke Skywalker fighting with the rebels against the empire. They managed to escape the Death Star and rescue Leia at the cost of Obi-Wan. This movie focuses more on Luke's training and his journey with his inner self to truly become a real Jedi Master.  This movie had all the charm of the first one Star Wars: A New Hope but it improved on so many levels. The pace of this movie was much easier to follow and enjoy than the preceding film. The characters in this movie felt the most genuine and likable. You feel apart of the crew on the Millennium Falcon, George Lucas makes you apart of all the great scenes like Hoth.

Speaking of Hoth, what a great plot device! For those who don't know this is an entire planet covered by an arctic landscape. Just imagine the north pole as a whole planet.  Not only is it extremely cold temperatures the wild life includes Yetties and snow lamas. This planet created an amazing first act full of great effects and story. This movie manages to keep you on the edge of your seat for the last acts. Not many movies cam give you the sense of real danger but in this flick, you have no idea if your favorite character will survive to the squeal. Speaking of charterers, some were great some fell flat.  Yoda was a standout icon who's performance was very good. Sadly poor Chewbacca had no impact on me, contrary to the first one he had nothing to do this time around so he just stood and barked at Han for two hours.

7. The Dark Knight

7.The Dark Knight

The best comic book adaptation movie lands number 6 on my list. This classic showdown of good and evil questions all our morals as human beings. Nobody who saw this movie expected it to go as deep as it did. It's just a classic batman movie I thought, it was in fact one of the best movie pieces of cinema I have ever seen. Directed by the living legend as far as directors go, Christopher Nolan creates quite  possibly one of his best movies and with his track record that is an incredible feat. This movie did extremely well at the box office and even brought in some Oscars in the departments of Sound Editing and Best Supporting Actor. Heath Ledger who played the most iconic joker of all time passed shortly after he finished his scenes due to him abusing prescription drugs. It was a huge lost for Hollywood and the entire world .The movie would not have been as iconic if he was not starring in it.

A sequel in the Nolan trilogy, The Dark Knight follows the adventures of the caped crusader as he is more settled in Gotham. He is starting to be respected and becoming more of a hero. This all changes when he faces a villain who will cross lines that none of his previous foes ever would. This villain is the Joker and is  portrayed as mentioned above by the late Heath Ledger. This new enemy puts everything on the line for Bruce Wayne and Batman. This movie is so amazing because it explores a new side of the Batman universe, instead of treating him like a god, Nolan make him extremely vulnerable which gives us the audience an emotional ride. The most part of this movie that had the most impact was how this movie made us question our morals. With an antagonist with no true goals but a thirst for chaos, it makes question a lot of what we know in our lives.